What happens when you mix 5 clever little bunnies an actual bunny,some dark magic, an award winning director from South Africa,and a unique concept all together???
and their launch event Alchemy- that's what.

MMC is formed of jewelry designers Andy Henson of HENSON, Candice Agius of Young Hunting, Hamish Munro, Estelle Deve and Polly Van Der Glass.
The group will be representing an often overlooked part of the fashion world this year with a pop up store in Melbourne's QV during LMFF, where each of these talented young designers will feature one off pieces specially made for the "Alchemy" event.
Michael Matthews recently teamed up with MMC to create an eerie little clip to promote the upcoming event so make sure you visit the website to check it out.

 Come down to check out the amazing jewelry at

25 Jane Bell Lane
QV Building
Melbourne Australia
10am - 5pm
Tuesday 15th March
until Friday 20th March